Every forex (foreign exchange) transaction involved the transfer of funds between two nations and that means that it also involves the payment and settlement systems of the two countries concerned in the transaction. For this reason national payment and settlement systems play a key role in the day to day operations of the forex market.
Today there are a wide variety of payment systems which are legally acceptable within the United States and payments can be made for example in cash, by check, using an automated clearing house or using an electronic funds transfer.
In terms of the sheer number of transactions the vast majority of payments in the United States today are made in cash or by check, however, in terms of value, the greatest amount of money is paid by electronic funds transfer. For this reason the electronic funds transfer system is a key component of the Unites States payment and settlement system and it is this system which is used to make inter-bank transfers between dealers in the forex market.
There are two main electronic funds transfer systems operating in the United States today. The first is the Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System (CHIPS) which is a private system operated by the New York Clearing House and the second is a system operated by the Federal Reserve Bank and known as Fedwire.
Using Fedwire a regional Federal Reserve Bank debits the account of the sending bank and credits the account of the receiving bank so that the transfer is effectively immediate and this is often referred to as a RTGS (real time gross settlement) system. By contrast individual transactions are not settled during the course of the trading day using CHIPS but are settled at the close of each day's business as a net settlement for each individual CHIPS account holder. Final settlement of CHIPS obligations is made using Fedwire.
Other countries operate systems similar to those in the United States. In the United Kingdom for example settlement is made through the Clearing House Association Payments System (CHAPS) with settlement being made through the Bank of England, while in the European Community a system linking the banks of member states and known as Target is used to settle transactions involving the Euro.
The United States settlement system is particularly important in the world of forex trading because the majority of global foreign exchange transactions involve the US dollar with daily settlements running into trillions of dollars. Indeed, the bulk of the transactions processed through CHIPS every day are foreign exchange transaction settlements.
Although modern technology has done much to transform foreign exchange trading one element which still concerns many people is that of 'settlement risk'. In other words, the risk that you will pay out the currency you are selling but not receive the currency you are buying. Considerable efforts have been made in recent years to reduce settlement risk in the foreign exchange markets and today the vast majority of forex traders would consider this risk to be minimal.

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Monday, September 1, 2008
The Complex Nature Of Exchange Rates In Forex Trading
An exchange rate is simply a score for one currency against another and represents the number of units of one currency that need to be exchanged for a single unit of another currency. The exchange rate is thus the price of one currency against another and, given the number of world currencies today, within the US alone there are literally dozens of exchange rates. Now that seems simple enough but, unfortunately, it is not quite that easy.
Quite apart from these simple exchange rates, which are sometimes referred to as 'spot' rates, there are also a whole range of 'trade weighted' or 'effective' rates which show the movement of one currency against an average of several other currencies. There are also exchange rates which are used in markets such as the forwards markets in which delivery dates are set at some point in the future, rather than at the time of the initial transaction. In other words, there is no such thing as an exchange rate, but are in fact a series of different exchange rates depending upon the nature of the transaction.
The foreign exchange market is driven largely by supply and demand and the exchange rate between any two currencies at any moment in time is influenced substantially by the interaction of the various players in the market. In a few cases currencies are still fixed, or the exchange rate is set by the monetary authorities, and when this is the case the country's central bank will normally intervene if required and either buy or sell the currency to keep its exchange rate within a narrow and defined band. In the vast majority of cases however, and certainly in the case of the US, currencies are allowed to float and central banks do not normally, and certainly not routinely, intervene to support their currency. Accordingly, the exchange rate for a particular currency against other currencies is determined by players, large and small, who are buying and selling the currency at any particular moment in time.
The mix of participants in the market is important and will affect different currencies to varying degrees. Some buyers and sellers deal in the market purely in support of international trade and are operating in the 'goods' market buying and selling currency to pay for merchandise being traded across national borders. Other dealers are buying and selling currencies in support of 'portfolio investment' and are trading in bonds, stocks and other financial instruments across national borders. Yet another group of currency traders are operating in the 'money' market and are trading short term debt across international borders.
As if this were not complicated enough, this mix of traders whether they are paying for imports, investing, speculating, hedging, arbitraging or simply seeking to influence exchange rates are also focusing their attention of a variety of different timeframes in their trading which will range from a matter of minutes to several years.
Against this background it is no wonder than predicting exchange rates is a complex business. Doing so however is vitally important since exchange rates influence the behavior of all of the participants in the market and, in today's open market, also influence interest rates, consumer prices, economic growth, investment decision and so much else. It is for this reason that the forex market plays such a critical role in determining exchange rates.
Quite apart from these simple exchange rates, which are sometimes referred to as 'spot' rates, there are also a whole range of 'trade weighted' or 'effective' rates which show the movement of one currency against an average of several other currencies. There are also exchange rates which are used in markets such as the forwards markets in which delivery dates are set at some point in the future, rather than at the time of the initial transaction. In other words, there is no such thing as an exchange rate, but are in fact a series of different exchange rates depending upon the nature of the transaction.
The foreign exchange market is driven largely by supply and demand and the exchange rate between any two currencies at any moment in time is influenced substantially by the interaction of the various players in the market. In a few cases currencies are still fixed, or the exchange rate is set by the monetary authorities, and when this is the case the country's central bank will normally intervene if required and either buy or sell the currency to keep its exchange rate within a narrow and defined band. In the vast majority of cases however, and certainly in the case of the US, currencies are allowed to float and central banks do not normally, and certainly not routinely, intervene to support their currency. Accordingly, the exchange rate for a particular currency against other currencies is determined by players, large and small, who are buying and selling the currency at any particular moment in time.
The mix of participants in the market is important and will affect different currencies to varying degrees. Some buyers and sellers deal in the market purely in support of international trade and are operating in the 'goods' market buying and selling currency to pay for merchandise being traded across national borders. Other dealers are buying and selling currencies in support of 'portfolio investment' and are trading in bonds, stocks and other financial instruments across national borders. Yet another group of currency traders are operating in the 'money' market and are trading short term debt across international borders.
As if this were not complicated enough, this mix of traders whether they are paying for imports, investing, speculating, hedging, arbitraging or simply seeking to influence exchange rates are also focusing their attention of a variety of different timeframes in their trading which will range from a matter of minutes to several years.
Against this background it is no wonder than predicting exchange rates is a complex business. Doing so however is vitally important since exchange rates influence the behavior of all of the participants in the market and, in today's open market, also influence interest rates, consumer prices, economic growth, investment decision and so much else. It is for this reason that the forex market plays such a critical role in determining exchange rates.
The World And The Forex Market
It is possible to day trade currencies along with trading stocks. In case you have ever wondered how the foreign exchange market, or Forex, works, here is an overview of some of the markets basic features:
First and foremost there are the foreign exchange rates, which is the proportional value of two currencies. To be more specific, it’s the required quantity of one particular currency to sell or buy a unit of another currency. There are two methods used to express a foreign exchange rate. The most common method would express the amount of foreign currency that is needed to buy one U.S. dollar. For instance, if a foreign exchange quote expressed as USD/CND at 1.4300, this means that one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 1.43 Canadian dollars, and vise versa. The second method is when the foreign exchange rate is expressed under the terms that the USD amount can be exchanged for one unit of a foreign currency. For instance, if a quote of CND/USD at 0.6700 means that one Canadian dollar can be exchanged for the same 0.6700 USD. When the USD is not used to convey an exchange rate, then the “cross rate” term is used to convey the proportional values between the two currencies. For instance, if the quote is DEM/SFR at .7000, this means that on German Mark can be exchanged for only .7 Swiss Francs.
Basis points are normally when the foreign exchange rate is expressed by a whole number followed by four decimal points. For example, 0.0001 is called a basis point. Therefore, if an exchange rate rises from 1.4550 to 1.4590, then the currency is said to have changed by 40 basis points.
The Forex market is used to invest in other countries or even to buy foreign products. Sometimes individuals or firms who wish to buy foreign currencies or products, may need to get hold of some of the currency, beforehand, from the country in which they wish to do business with. Also, the exporters may require payment for services or goods in their own currency, or in USD, which is accepted throughout the world.
In the Forex market, a majority of selling and buying of foreign currencies throughout the world is taken place, mostly by the large commercial banks, who are the major traders in the Forex market. With five major institutions based throughout the world in New York, London, Frankfurt, Zurich and Tokyo, the Forex market is considered the largest financial market in the world by far, with the multitude of trading volumes exceeding 1.5 trillion USD on most days.
The foreign exchange spreads are when the exchange rates in the Forex market are cited as a two-tier “bid” or “ask” rate. For instance, when a USD and a DEM is cited as 1.6000/15, the Forex trader who cites this exchange rate is agreeing to buy the DEM’s at 1.6000 and sell them at 1.6015. The “spread” is the actual difference between cites of purchase and cites of sale and also illustrates the profit expected from the transaction for the Forex trader. The “spread” may vary comprehensively on any specific currency; all depending on the currency’s strength or weakness, and even it’s past history or prospective volatility.
Forex traders who consist primarily of world wide network interbank traders are connected together by computers and telephone lines and are constantly negotiating prices among one another. These artful negotiations normally ensue in a market bid, or asking price, for a specific currency that is then introduced continuously into computers to be displayed on official quote screens. When the Forex exchange rates are quoted between banks, this is called “Interbank Rates.”
Many individuals may not be able to get hold of some foreign currencies at Forex rates unless they become licensed traders through Forex. Instead, those individuals may be able to come across foreign currency through a commercial bank, which may charge the individuals with either a commission or a higher spread than those reigning in the Forex market. Sometimes these commercial banks will even charge individuals both commission and higher spread as to enable the bank to make a reasonable profit from the transaction.
The world is big and so is the world of the Forex market.
First and foremost there are the foreign exchange rates, which is the proportional value of two currencies. To be more specific, it’s the required quantity of one particular currency to sell or buy a unit of another currency. There are two methods used to express a foreign exchange rate. The most common method would express the amount of foreign currency that is needed to buy one U.S. dollar. For instance, if a foreign exchange quote expressed as USD/CND at 1.4300, this means that one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 1.43 Canadian dollars, and vise versa. The second method is when the foreign exchange rate is expressed under the terms that the USD amount can be exchanged for one unit of a foreign currency. For instance, if a quote of CND/USD at 0.6700 means that one Canadian dollar can be exchanged for the same 0.6700 USD. When the USD is not used to convey an exchange rate, then the “cross rate” term is used to convey the proportional values between the two currencies. For instance, if the quote is DEM/SFR at .7000, this means that on German Mark can be exchanged for only .7 Swiss Francs.
Basis points are normally when the foreign exchange rate is expressed by a whole number followed by four decimal points. For example, 0.0001 is called a basis point. Therefore, if an exchange rate rises from 1.4550 to 1.4590, then the currency is said to have changed by 40 basis points.
The Forex market is used to invest in other countries or even to buy foreign products. Sometimes individuals or firms who wish to buy foreign currencies or products, may need to get hold of some of the currency, beforehand, from the country in which they wish to do business with. Also, the exporters may require payment for services or goods in their own currency, or in USD, which is accepted throughout the world.
In the Forex market, a majority of selling and buying of foreign currencies throughout the world is taken place, mostly by the large commercial banks, who are the major traders in the Forex market. With five major institutions based throughout the world in New York, London, Frankfurt, Zurich and Tokyo, the Forex market is considered the largest financial market in the world by far, with the multitude of trading volumes exceeding 1.5 trillion USD on most days.
The foreign exchange spreads are when the exchange rates in the Forex market are cited as a two-tier “bid” or “ask” rate. For instance, when a USD and a DEM is cited as 1.6000/15, the Forex trader who cites this exchange rate is agreeing to buy the DEM’s at 1.6000 and sell them at 1.6015. The “spread” is the actual difference between cites of purchase and cites of sale and also illustrates the profit expected from the transaction for the Forex trader. The “spread” may vary comprehensively on any specific currency; all depending on the currency’s strength or weakness, and even it’s past history or prospective volatility.
Forex traders who consist primarily of world wide network interbank traders are connected together by computers and telephone lines and are constantly negotiating prices among one another. These artful negotiations normally ensue in a market bid, or asking price, for a specific currency that is then introduced continuously into computers to be displayed on official quote screens. When the Forex exchange rates are quoted between banks, this is called “Interbank Rates.”
Many individuals may not be able to get hold of some foreign currencies at Forex rates unless they become licensed traders through Forex. Instead, those individuals may be able to come across foreign currency through a commercial bank, which may charge the individuals with either a commission or a higher spread than those reigning in the Forex market. Sometimes these commercial banks will even charge individuals both commission and higher spread as to enable the bank to make a reasonable profit from the transaction.
The world is big and so is the world of the Forex market.
What is Currency Markets?
The currency market includes the Foreign Currency Market and the Euro-currency Market. The Foreign Currency Market is virtual. There is no one central physical location that is the foreign currency market. It exists in the dealing rooms of various central banks, large international banks, and some large corporations. The dealing rooms are connected via telephone, computer, and fax. Some countries co-locate their dealing rooms in one center. The Euro-currency Market is where borrowing and lending of currency takes place. Interest rates for the various currencies are set in this market.
Trading on the Foreign Exchange Market establishes rates of exchange for currency. Exchange rates are constantly fluctuating on the forex market. As demand rises and falls for particular currencies, their exchange rates adjust accordingly. Instantaneous rate quotes are available from a service provided by Reuters. A rate of exchange for currencies is the ratio at which one currency is exchanged for another.
The foreign exchange market has no regulation, no restrictions or overseeing board. Should there be a world monetary crisis in this market; there is no mechanism to stop trading. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York publishes guidelines for Foreign Exchange trading. In their “Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading”, they outline 50 best practices for trading on the forex market.
Spot Exchange
The spot exchange is the simplest contract. A spot exchange contract identifies two parties, the currency they are buying or selling and the currency they expect to receive in exchange. The currencies are exchanged at the prevailing spot rate at the time of the contract. The spot rate is constantly fluctuating. When a spot exchange is agreed upon, the contract is defined to be executed immediately. In reality, a series of confirmations occurs between the two parties. Documentation is sent and received from both parties detailing the exchange rate agreed upon and the amounts of currency involved. The funds actually move between banks two days after the spot transaction is agreed upon.
Forward Exchange
The forward exchange contract is similar to the spot exchange. However, the time period of the contract is significantly longer. These contracts use a forward exchange rate that differs from the spot rate. The difference between the forward rate and the spot rate reflects the difference in interest rates between the two currencies. This prevents an opportunity for arbitrage. If the rates did not differ, there would be a profit difference in the currencies. That is, investing in one currency for a year and then selling it should be the same profit or loss as setting up a forward contract at the forward rate one year in the future. Investing in one currency would be more profitable than investing in the other. Thus there would exist an opportunity for arbitrage. Forward exchange contracts are settled at a specified date in the future. The parties exchange funds at this date. Forward contracts are typically custom written between the party needing currency and the bank, or between banks.
Currency Futures and Swap Transactions
Currency futures are standardized forward contracts. The amounts of currency, time to expiry, and exchange rates are standardized. The standardized expiry times are specific dates in March, June, September, and December. These futures are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Futures give the buyer an option of setting up a contract to exchange currency in the future. This contract can be purchased on an exchange, rather than custom negotiated with a bank like a forward contract.
A currency swap is an agreement to two exchanges in currency, one a spot and one a forward. An immediate spot exchange is executed, followed later by a reverse exchange. The two exchanges occur at different exchange rates. It is the difference in the two exchange rates that determines the swap price. There is also something called a currency swap. This is a method to exchange an income stream of one currency for another.
Currency Options
A currency option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, either to buy (call) from the option writer, or to sell (put) to the option writer, a stated quantity of one currency in exchange for another at a fixed rate of exchange, called the strike price. The options can be American, which allows an option to be exercised until a fixed day, called the day of expiry, or European, which allows exercise only on the day of expiry, not before. The option holder pays a premium to the option writer for the option.
The option differs from other currency contracts in that the holder has a choice, or option, of whether they will exercise it or not. If exchange rates are more favorable than the rate guaranteed by the option when the holder needs to exchange currency, they can choose to exchange the currency on the spot exchange rather than use the option. They lose only the option premium. Options allow holders to limit their risk of exposure to adverse changes in the exchange rates.
It is also common for currency options to be used to hedge cash positions. Companies are not typically in the business of gambling with their profits on deals. It is in the company’s best interest to lock in an exchange rate they can count on. They are motivated to insure that their profits are as expected. Two ways they might do this are to enter forward contracts or to buy options.
They would select an exchange rate that would be acceptable but not too expensive. They might choose to buy a slightly out-of-the-money call option to cover them if the currency exchange rate falls. If it stays the same or rises, they will exchange at the spot exchange rate at the time the payment is due.
Trading on the Foreign Exchange Market establishes rates of exchange for currency. Exchange rates are constantly fluctuating on the forex market. As demand rises and falls for particular currencies, their exchange rates adjust accordingly. Instantaneous rate quotes are available from a service provided by Reuters. A rate of exchange for currencies is the ratio at which one currency is exchanged for another.
The foreign exchange market has no regulation, no restrictions or overseeing board. Should there be a world monetary crisis in this market; there is no mechanism to stop trading. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York publishes guidelines for Foreign Exchange trading. In their “Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading”, they outline 50 best practices for trading on the forex market.
Spot Exchange
The spot exchange is the simplest contract. A spot exchange contract identifies two parties, the currency they are buying or selling and the currency they expect to receive in exchange. The currencies are exchanged at the prevailing spot rate at the time of the contract. The spot rate is constantly fluctuating. When a spot exchange is agreed upon, the contract is defined to be executed immediately. In reality, a series of confirmations occurs between the two parties. Documentation is sent and received from both parties detailing the exchange rate agreed upon and the amounts of currency involved. The funds actually move between banks two days after the spot transaction is agreed upon.
Forward Exchange
The forward exchange contract is similar to the spot exchange. However, the time period of the contract is significantly longer. These contracts use a forward exchange rate that differs from the spot rate. The difference between the forward rate and the spot rate reflects the difference in interest rates between the two currencies. This prevents an opportunity for arbitrage. If the rates did not differ, there would be a profit difference in the currencies. That is, investing in one currency for a year and then selling it should be the same profit or loss as setting up a forward contract at the forward rate one year in the future. Investing in one currency would be more profitable than investing in the other. Thus there would exist an opportunity for arbitrage. Forward exchange contracts are settled at a specified date in the future. The parties exchange funds at this date. Forward contracts are typically custom written between the party needing currency and the bank, or between banks.
Currency Futures and Swap Transactions
Currency futures are standardized forward contracts. The amounts of currency, time to expiry, and exchange rates are standardized. The standardized expiry times are specific dates in March, June, September, and December. These futures are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Futures give the buyer an option of setting up a contract to exchange currency in the future. This contract can be purchased on an exchange, rather than custom negotiated with a bank like a forward contract.
A currency swap is an agreement to two exchanges in currency, one a spot and one a forward. An immediate spot exchange is executed, followed later by a reverse exchange. The two exchanges occur at different exchange rates. It is the difference in the two exchange rates that determines the swap price. There is also something called a currency swap. This is a method to exchange an income stream of one currency for another.
Currency Options
A currency option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, either to buy (call) from the option writer, or to sell (put) to the option writer, a stated quantity of one currency in exchange for another at a fixed rate of exchange, called the strike price. The options can be American, which allows an option to be exercised until a fixed day, called the day of expiry, or European, which allows exercise only on the day of expiry, not before. The option holder pays a premium to the option writer for the option.
The option differs from other currency contracts in that the holder has a choice, or option, of whether they will exercise it or not. If exchange rates are more favorable than the rate guaranteed by the option when the holder needs to exchange currency, they can choose to exchange the currency on the spot exchange rather than use the option. They lose only the option premium. Options allow holders to limit their risk of exposure to adverse changes in the exchange rates.
It is also common for currency options to be used to hedge cash positions. Companies are not typically in the business of gambling with their profits on deals. It is in the company’s best interest to lock in an exchange rate they can count on. They are motivated to insure that their profits are as expected. Two ways they might do this are to enter forward contracts or to buy options.
They would select an exchange rate that would be acceptable but not too expensive. They might choose to buy a slightly out-of-the-money call option to cover them if the currency exchange rate falls. If it stays the same or rises, they will exchange at the spot exchange rate at the time the payment is due.
Forex Tutorial: The Basics Of Forex Analysis
The Forex trading market is an around-the-clock cash market where the currencies of nations are bought and sold, typically via brokers. For example, you buy Euros, paying with U.S. Dollars, or you sell Canadian Dollars for Japanese Yen. Forex prices can change at any moment in response to real-time events, such as political unrest, crude oil prices, inflation, import and export prices, or industrial production.
Currency market players typically use “Forex analysis” as a tool in predicting currency price movements. Forex analysis itself is divided into two types: fundamental and technical. A fundamental analysis uses economic and political factors as a means of predicting currency movements. A technical analysis uses reliable historical data as a means of forecasting these movements. The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic principles of fundamental and technical analysis.
A fundamental analysis uses economic and political factors, such as housing starts, the unemployment rate, or inflation, as a means of predicting currency movements. Fundamental analysis is concerned with the reasons or causes for currency movements. Many Forex traders who rely on fundamental analysis plan their trading strategies around a number of key U.S. Government economic indicators. Some of these indicators are the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Foreign Exchange Rates, Import and Export Prices, Industrial Production/Capacity Utilization, the Composite Index of Leading Indicators, Consumer Credit, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Retail Sales, Housing Starts, the Employment Cost Index, and Consumer Confidence.
All of these Federal economic indicators have a marked effect on both the stock market and Forex. Some of these indicators are released weekly, while others are released monthly or quarterly. Their sources include the Federal Reserve Board, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the U.S. Census Bureau.
Forex traders must take other economic indicators into consideration as well. The world’s leading economies (for example, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, and Germany) also release their own economic indicators that will have an impact on the Forex market. For example, leading economic indicators in the United Kingdom include Housing Prices, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Vehicles per 1,000 People, Telephones per 1,000 People, and the Percentage of People Employed in Agriculture.
A technical analysis uses historical data as a means of predicting currency movements. The technical analyst believes that history repeats itself over and over again. Technical analysis is not concerned with the reasons for currency movements (for example, interest rates or inflation). Instead, it believes that historical currency movements are a clear indication of future ones.
Investopedia states that “In a shopping mall, a fundamental analyst would go to each store, study the product that was being sold, and then decide whether to buy it or not. By contrast, a technical analyst would sit on a bench in the mall and watch people go into the stores. Disregarding the intrinsic value of the products in the store, his or her decision would be based on the patterns or activity of people going into each store.”
For example, during the back-to-school buying season, the technical analyst might observe that more people are going into clothing stores than into stores selling flowers. Likewise, the technical analyst might observe that more men are going into stores selling flowers on Valentine’s Day than into clothing stores.
Here is another example. Oil prices dramatically increase, thus creating inflation. Interest rates rise as a means of controlling inflation. One historical result of higher interest rates is less money to spend, thus slowing economic growth. Another historical result is increased foreign investment in the currency affected by the higher interest rates, thus strengthening it.
The technical analyst typically uses charts as a tool for predicting currency price movements. The three most popular kinds of charts are line charts, vertical bar charts, and candlestick charts.
Some Forex traders depend on fundamental analysis while others depend on technical analysis. However, many successful Forex traders use a combination of both strategies. However, the important point to remember here is that no one strategy or combination of strategies is 100% certain.
Currency market players typically use “Forex analysis” as a tool in predicting currency price movements. Forex analysis itself is divided into two types: fundamental and technical. A fundamental analysis uses economic and political factors as a means of predicting currency movements. A technical analysis uses reliable historical data as a means of forecasting these movements. The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic principles of fundamental and technical analysis.
A fundamental analysis uses economic and political factors, such as housing starts, the unemployment rate, or inflation, as a means of predicting currency movements. Fundamental analysis is concerned with the reasons or causes for currency movements. Many Forex traders who rely on fundamental analysis plan their trading strategies around a number of key U.S. Government economic indicators. Some of these indicators are the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Foreign Exchange Rates, Import and Export Prices, Industrial Production/Capacity Utilization, the Composite Index of Leading Indicators, Consumer Credit, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Retail Sales, Housing Starts, the Employment Cost Index, and Consumer Confidence.
All of these Federal economic indicators have a marked effect on both the stock market and Forex. Some of these indicators are released weekly, while others are released monthly or quarterly. Their sources include the Federal Reserve Board, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the U.S. Census Bureau.
Forex traders must take other economic indicators into consideration as well. The world’s leading economies (for example, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, and Germany) also release their own economic indicators that will have an impact on the Forex market. For example, leading economic indicators in the United Kingdom include Housing Prices, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Vehicles per 1,000 People, Telephones per 1,000 People, and the Percentage of People Employed in Agriculture.
A technical analysis uses historical data as a means of predicting currency movements. The technical analyst believes that history repeats itself over and over again. Technical analysis is not concerned with the reasons for currency movements (for example, interest rates or inflation). Instead, it believes that historical currency movements are a clear indication of future ones.
Investopedia states that “In a shopping mall, a fundamental analyst would go to each store, study the product that was being sold, and then decide whether to buy it or not. By contrast, a technical analyst would sit on a bench in the mall and watch people go into the stores. Disregarding the intrinsic value of the products in the store, his or her decision would be based on the patterns or activity of people going into each store.”
For example, during the back-to-school buying season, the technical analyst might observe that more people are going into clothing stores than into stores selling flowers. Likewise, the technical analyst might observe that more men are going into stores selling flowers on Valentine’s Day than into clothing stores.
Here is another example. Oil prices dramatically increase, thus creating inflation. Interest rates rise as a means of controlling inflation. One historical result of higher interest rates is less money to spend, thus slowing economic growth. Another historical result is increased foreign investment in the currency affected by the higher interest rates, thus strengthening it.
The technical analyst typically uses charts as a tool for predicting currency price movements. The three most popular kinds of charts are line charts, vertical bar charts, and candlestick charts.
Some Forex traders depend on fundamental analysis while others depend on technical analysis. However, many successful Forex traders use a combination of both strategies. However, the important point to remember here is that no one strategy or combination of strategies is 100% certain.
Forex Trading - understanding commissions, spreads and trading costs
The forex market is quickly becoming one of the most popular markets for trading.
Not only are the experienced traders looking to this market to maximize their trading returns, but many new, individual investors are now able to trade the Forex market - just as they do stocks and futures.
More and more individuals are seeing Forex not only as a new way to diversify their portfolio, but are also finding that it is becoming the most profitable component of their investments.
And that’s because of the many advantages Forex offers over other markets like stocks or commodities. Here’s what you will typically see advertized about Forex:
- Unparallelled liquidity. It is the largest financial market in the world by far. Almost $2 trillion being traded daily!
- Excellent leverage potential. Individual investors have access to leverage of 100:1 and even 200:1
- No Commissions
- Low trading costs.
And yes, the Forex market really does offer all these advantages.
But the last two points above talk about costs, and that’s what we’d like to focus on in this article.
Like any trading, there are costs involved, and, while these may be much lower than they used to be, it is important to understand what those are.
Let’s start by looking at stock trading, something that most of us investors are pretty familiar with.
When trading stocks, most investors will have a trading account with a broker somewhere and will have investment funds deposited in that account.
The broker will then execute the trades on behalf of the account holder, and of course, in return for providing that service, the broker will want to be compensated.
With stocks, typically, the broker will earn a commission for executing the trade. They will charge either a fixed dollar amount per trade, or a dollar amount per share, or (most commonly) a scaled commission based on how big your trade is.
And, they will charge it on both sides of the transaction. That is to say, when you buy the stock you get charged commission, AND then when you sell that same stock you get charged another commission.
With Forex trading, the brokers constantly advertise “no commission”. And, of course that’s true - except for a few brokers, who do charge a commission similar to stocks.
But also, of course, the brokers aren’t performing their trading services for free. They too make money.
The way they do that is by charging the investor a “spread”. Simply put, the spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for the currency being traded.
The broker will add this spread onto the price of the trade and keep it as their fee for trading.
So, while it isn’t a commission per se, it behaves in practically the same way. It is just a little more hidden.
The good news though is that typically this spread is only charged on one side of the transaction. In other words, you don’t pay the spread when you buy AND then again when you sell. It is usually only charged on the “buy” side of the trades.
So the spread really is your primary cost of trading the Forex and you should pay attention to the details of what the different brokers offer.
The spreads offered can vary pretty dramatically from broker to broker. And while it may not seem like much of a difference to be trading with a 5 pip spread vs a 4 pip spread, it actually can add up very quickly when you multiply it out by how many trades you make and how much money you’re trading. Think about it, 4 pips vs 5 pips is a difference of 25% on your trading costs.
The other thing to recognize is that spreads can vary based on what currencies you’re trading and what type of account you open.
Most brokers will give you different spreads for different currencies. The most popular currency pairs like the EURUSD or GBPUSD will typically have the lowest spreads, while currencies that have less demand will likely be traded with higher spreads.
Be sure to think about what currencies you are most likely to be trading and find out what your spreads will be for those currencies.
Also, some brokers will offer different spreads for different types of accounts. A mini account, for example, may be subject to higher spreads than a full contract account.
And finally, because the spreads really are the difference between bid prices and ask prices as determined by the free market, it is important to recognize that they are not “guaranteed”. Most brokers will tell you that there may be times during periods of low demand, or very active trading when the spreads widen and you will be charged that wider spread.
These do tend to be rarer situations because the volume in the Forex market is so large and demand and supply are generally quite predictable. But they do occur, especially with some of the lesser traded currencies. So it’s important to be aware of that.
In summary then, when trading Forex, understand that the “spread” is truly your most important consideration for trading costs.
Spreads can vary significantly between brokers, account types and currencies traded. And small differences in the spread can really add up to thousands of dollars in trading costs over even just a few months.
So be sure to consider carefully what currencies you are going to be trading, how frequently, and in what type of account and use those factors to help you decide which broker can offer you the best trading costs and allow you to keep more of your returns as net profits!
Not only are the experienced traders looking to this market to maximize their trading returns, but many new, individual investors are now able to trade the Forex market - just as they do stocks and futures.
More and more individuals are seeing Forex not only as a new way to diversify their portfolio, but are also finding that it is becoming the most profitable component of their investments.
And that’s because of the many advantages Forex offers over other markets like stocks or commodities. Here’s what you will typically see advertized about Forex:
- Unparallelled liquidity. It is the largest financial market in the world by far. Almost $2 trillion being traded daily!
- Excellent leverage potential. Individual investors have access to leverage of 100:1 and even 200:1
- No Commissions
- Low trading costs.
And yes, the Forex market really does offer all these advantages.
But the last two points above talk about costs, and that’s what we’d like to focus on in this article.
Like any trading, there are costs involved, and, while these may be much lower than they used to be, it is important to understand what those are.
Let’s start by looking at stock trading, something that most of us investors are pretty familiar with.
When trading stocks, most investors will have a trading account with a broker somewhere and will have investment funds deposited in that account.
The broker will then execute the trades on behalf of the account holder, and of course, in return for providing that service, the broker will want to be compensated.
With stocks, typically, the broker will earn a commission for executing the trade. They will charge either a fixed dollar amount per trade, or a dollar amount per share, or (most commonly) a scaled commission based on how big your trade is.
And, they will charge it on both sides of the transaction. That is to say, when you buy the stock you get charged commission, AND then when you sell that same stock you get charged another commission.
With Forex trading, the brokers constantly advertise “no commission”. And, of course that’s true - except for a few brokers, who do charge a commission similar to stocks.
But also, of course, the brokers aren’t performing their trading services for free. They too make money.
The way they do that is by charging the investor a “spread”. Simply put, the spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for the currency being traded.
The broker will add this spread onto the price of the trade and keep it as their fee for trading.
So, while it isn’t a commission per se, it behaves in practically the same way. It is just a little more hidden.
The good news though is that typically this spread is only charged on one side of the transaction. In other words, you don’t pay the spread when you buy AND then again when you sell. It is usually only charged on the “buy” side of the trades.
So the spread really is your primary cost of trading the Forex and you should pay attention to the details of what the different brokers offer.
The spreads offered can vary pretty dramatically from broker to broker. And while it may not seem like much of a difference to be trading with a 5 pip spread vs a 4 pip spread, it actually can add up very quickly when you multiply it out by how many trades you make and how much money you’re trading. Think about it, 4 pips vs 5 pips is a difference of 25% on your trading costs.
The other thing to recognize is that spreads can vary based on what currencies you’re trading and what type of account you open.
Most brokers will give you different spreads for different currencies. The most popular currency pairs like the EURUSD or GBPUSD will typically have the lowest spreads, while currencies that have less demand will likely be traded with higher spreads.
Be sure to think about what currencies you are most likely to be trading and find out what your spreads will be for those currencies.
Also, some brokers will offer different spreads for different types of accounts. A mini account, for example, may be subject to higher spreads than a full contract account.
And finally, because the spreads really are the difference between bid prices and ask prices as determined by the free market, it is important to recognize that they are not “guaranteed”. Most brokers will tell you that there may be times during periods of low demand, or very active trading when the spreads widen and you will be charged that wider spread.
These do tend to be rarer situations because the volume in the Forex market is so large and demand and supply are generally quite predictable. But they do occur, especially with some of the lesser traded currencies. So it’s important to be aware of that.
In summary then, when trading Forex, understand that the “spread” is truly your most important consideration for trading costs.
Spreads can vary significantly between brokers, account types and currencies traded. And small differences in the spread can really add up to thousands of dollars in trading costs over even just a few months.
So be sure to consider carefully what currencies you are going to be trading, how frequently, and in what type of account and use those factors to help you decide which broker can offer you the best trading costs and allow you to keep more of your returns as net profits!
Making Money From Stock Market - Tips for Beginners
Making money from stock markets requires trading in the stock market. Cautious buying, holding and selling of stocks generate profits and money. Stock trading is the function that interacts and organizes in the stock market.
This market involves buying and selling of millions of shares all over the world, and generates profit.
As a beginner, you must understand in effect how the market works. You really don’t have to know all of the technicalities of buying and selling stocks.
The first and foremost you need to know is the functioning of the exchange floor, irrespective of whether you trade through the floor or electronically.
When the market opens, hundreds of people are seen fast moving about shouting and signaling to one another, staring at monitors, and entering data into terminals, or busy on cell-phones on the exchange floor. It looks like a complete fiasco. However, by the time the end of the day approaches, the market has worked out all the trades, and is all set for the next day.
These are the steps in a simple trade on the exchange floor of any major Stock Exchange:
You instruct your broker to buy a number of shares of a company at the current market price.
The broker’s order department passes the order on to their floor clerk, the dealing official, in the exchange.
From this person it goes to one of the firm’s floor traders whose task it is to find another floor trader wanting to sell that number of shares of the company you wanted. Each floor trader has particular knowledge of which floor traders deal in what stocks.
The two come together on a price and seal the deal. The notification process moves backward along the line and your broker gets back to you with the final price. You receive the confirmation notice in the mail after a few days.
Beginners should avoid complicating things trying to get rich in a day by venturing into every nook and cranny without knowing a thing or two about them.
To begin with, you need a broker to handle your trades – individuals don’t have access to the electronic markets. Your broker accesses the exchange network and the system finds a buyer or seller depending on your order. Choose the right broker rationally. This is a crucial point of money making from stocks.
Depend on your comprehension and your broker, who must be a professional. Never bypass understanding fully the cause(s) behind a bad result when it occurs. Learn from your experiences, document them, and keep reading them once in a while.
This market involves buying and selling of millions of shares all over the world, and generates profit.
As a beginner, you must understand in effect how the market works. You really don’t have to know all of the technicalities of buying and selling stocks.
The first and foremost you need to know is the functioning of the exchange floor, irrespective of whether you trade through the floor or electronically.
When the market opens, hundreds of people are seen fast moving about shouting and signaling to one another, staring at monitors, and entering data into terminals, or busy on cell-phones on the exchange floor. It looks like a complete fiasco. However, by the time the end of the day approaches, the market has worked out all the trades, and is all set for the next day.
These are the steps in a simple trade on the exchange floor of any major Stock Exchange:
You instruct your broker to buy a number of shares of a company at the current market price.
The broker’s order department passes the order on to their floor clerk, the dealing official, in the exchange.
From this person it goes to one of the firm’s floor traders whose task it is to find another floor trader wanting to sell that number of shares of the company you wanted. Each floor trader has particular knowledge of which floor traders deal in what stocks.
The two come together on a price and seal the deal. The notification process moves backward along the line and your broker gets back to you with the final price. You receive the confirmation notice in the mail after a few days.
Beginners should avoid complicating things trying to get rich in a day by venturing into every nook and cranny without knowing a thing or two about them.
To begin with, you need a broker to handle your trades – individuals don’t have access to the electronic markets. Your broker accesses the exchange network and the system finds a buyer or seller depending on your order. Choose the right broker rationally. This is a crucial point of money making from stocks.
Depend on your comprehension and your broker, who must be a professional. Never bypass understanding fully the cause(s) behind a bad result when it occurs. Learn from your experiences, document them, and keep reading them once in a while.
Forex As an Asset Class and Financial Instrument
Forex has always been classified as an asset and an instrument of financial transaction including both the spot and futures market. By one argument, the forex market makes a pretty much bigger turn over on a daily basis than the commodities and services trade although conceptually forex is there to facilitate the latter two. Need any more evidence for forex’s status as financial instrument and an asset class of its own right?
Sequentially, the logic goes that any financial instrument can be thought of as fit to be an asset class.
So What Is A Financial Instrument?
Any document, either virtual or real, which is assigned some monetary value and legally tradeable in the market as a package of an asset, is a financial instrument. The most traded one amongst all financial instruments is the equity based one.
Plain vanilla is an example of simplest financial instruments which has a simple strike price and expiration date. This option is devoid of advanced features but optionally there can be what is known as a knock-in option which activates the instrument only if the underlying stocks strike a preset price.
But coming back to the discussion of forex as an asset class, the overall foreign exchange traded daily has jumped by 38% between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001. One significant reason that can be attributed to this is growing acceptance of forex as asset class strongly backed up by the fund management assets such as hedge funds and pension funds. On the same breath, one can not negate the advent of easier internet based retail trading platforms which pitched into attract large volumes.
We have said that forex is an asset class. The asset class is basically categorized as debt based and equity based depending on whether the investor gets to own the asset or not. For example, debt asset is when an investor extends a loan to the owner of asset and the equity based asset reflects the ownership of the investor.
What Does It Mean To A Retail Investor?
The categorized forex asset class is a wise investment opportunity for a retailer. You can systematically acquire and hold a foreign currency, such as euro or pound sterling till it appreciates sufficiently over time. Speculative forex trading is another avenue but it is ridden with significant risk factors. Transnational executives hold a considerable amount of forex in their kitty.
Sequentially, the logic goes that any financial instrument can be thought of as fit to be an asset class.
So What Is A Financial Instrument?
Any document, either virtual or real, which is assigned some monetary value and legally tradeable in the market as a package of an asset, is a financial instrument. The most traded one amongst all financial instruments is the equity based one.
Plain vanilla is an example of simplest financial instruments which has a simple strike price and expiration date. This option is devoid of advanced features but optionally there can be what is known as a knock-in option which activates the instrument only if the underlying stocks strike a preset price.
But coming back to the discussion of forex as an asset class, the overall foreign exchange traded daily has jumped by 38% between April 2005 and April 2006 and has more than doubled since 2001. One significant reason that can be attributed to this is growing acceptance of forex as asset class strongly backed up by the fund management assets such as hedge funds and pension funds. On the same breath, one can not negate the advent of easier internet based retail trading platforms which pitched into attract large volumes.
We have said that forex is an asset class. The asset class is basically categorized as debt based and equity based depending on whether the investor gets to own the asset or not. For example, debt asset is when an investor extends a loan to the owner of asset and the equity based asset reflects the ownership of the investor.
What Does It Mean To A Retail Investor?
The categorized forex asset class is a wise investment opportunity for a retailer. You can systematically acquire and hold a foreign currency, such as euro or pound sterling till it appreciates sufficiently over time. Speculative forex trading is another avenue but it is ridden with significant risk factors. Transnational executives hold a considerable amount of forex in their kitty.
There Are Big Bucks In Knowing Foreign Exchange Trading!
The acquisition or sale of one national currency in exchange for another nation’s currency, usually conducted in a market setting is called as the Foreign Exchange Trading. The concept of Foreign Trading makes it possible for clients to do international transactions.
It can be mainly used during imports and exports and the movement of capital between countries. The value of one foreign currency in relation to another is defined by the exchange rate during the Foreign Exchange Trading.
Foreign Trading is also known as the FX Trading. Here the clients are able to hedge against, or speculate upon, changes aspect element within the exchange rate of two currencies. Foreign Exchange Trading services provide a chance for clients to trade FX.
Exchange Trading is done on the magnificent excellent foreign exchange market. In Foreign Exchange Trading the methods and instruments used to adjust the payment of debts between two nations that make use of different currency systems. A nation’s balance of payments has an important effect resting on the magnificent exchange rate of its currency.
Bills of trade, drafts, checks, and telegraphic orders are the principal means of payment in international transactions of the Foreign Trading. The rate of exchange is the price in local currency of one unit of foreign currency and is determined by the comparative supply and demand of the currencies resource within the foreign exchange market.
Buying or promoting foreign currency in order to profit from rapid changes trait within the rate of exchange is known as an arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Trading.
Demand of Foreign Exchange Trading
The chief demand for Exchange Trading within a country comes from importers of foreign goods, purchasers of foreign securities, government agencies buying goods and services abroad, and travelers.
Foreign Exchange Trading is one of the nascent market opportunities when it comes to the individual investor. Until recently only large traders and multi conglomerate companies were able to participate within the foreign exchange markets.
Now with the internet and many courses both online as well as on DVD, Videos and hard cover books there are a wonderful many resources available to the individual investor to help them become currency traders and earn incomes element within the six figure range.
There are numerous books available relating to Foreign Trading that will help the novice investor get started, explaining some of the basic strategies, even explaining all of the jargon that is new daily by currency traders all over the globe.
Other books to understand the Foreign Exchange Trading may assist the more intuitive and seasoned investor who is expecting to receive a more technical analysis of various currency trading strategies and markets.
There are a number of excellent courses available by the many supporting comments that these courses have received from many of their participants. They come from just about every repeated level of investor including the beginners as well as the more experienced investors.
Many of these courses for Foreign Trading include a variety of books; pamphlets and some will even include videos of various investment specialists providing you with their hands on training experience on Foreign Exchange Trading.
The e-books that are available to understand the Foreign Exchange more efficiently can typically be downloaded over the Internet, so you can most insolently begin almost as soon as you have paid your fees and downloaded the apropos files.
So no need of waiting for snail mail deliveries and you can begin immediately Foreign Exchange Trading soon. Some of the e-books and courses related to Foreign Trading will also include discounts and additional benefits when you sign up for an e-book or a course.
This combination can be of brilliant value when compared to some of the more long-established methods of learning the business of Foreign Exchange Trading.
Foreign Exchange rates refer to the amount of currency you obtain when you buy one currency with another currency. That is, it is most important to understand if you are traveling to England. In general, Foreign Exchange Trading if you or someone that understands and has expert knowledge live in approval of the United States, you then carry dollars.
You then ought to change these dollars for British Pounds and review the foreign currency rates to see how many US dollars it could take to buy one British Pound. Similarly, it would apply to every single country you might visit. Importers and exporters of goods are also concerned about the foreign currency rates.
The traders in Foreign Trading need foreign currency to make their business transactions. A buyer in England of United States goods watches the foreign currency rates to try and obtain a better price for the United States dollars they need to buy the United States goods.
During the Foreign Exchange Trading most foreign currency rates change all the time. The rates that do change on a daily or even hourly basis are called as the floating currencies. This means that market forces determine the price.
If more dollars are being bought and more British Pounds are being sold, the United States dollar then increases in value.
Thus, Foreign Exchange Trading should always be done keeping an alert eye on the Foreign Exchange Market.
It can be mainly used during imports and exports and the movement of capital between countries. The value of one foreign currency in relation to another is defined by the exchange rate during the Foreign Exchange Trading.
Foreign Trading is also known as the FX Trading. Here the clients are able to hedge against, or speculate upon, changes aspect element within the exchange rate of two currencies. Foreign Exchange Trading services provide a chance for clients to trade FX.
Exchange Trading is done on the magnificent excellent foreign exchange market. In Foreign Exchange Trading the methods and instruments used to adjust the payment of debts between two nations that make use of different currency systems. A nation’s balance of payments has an important effect resting on the magnificent exchange rate of its currency.
Bills of trade, drafts, checks, and telegraphic orders are the principal means of payment in international transactions of the Foreign Trading. The rate of exchange is the price in local currency of one unit of foreign currency and is determined by the comparative supply and demand of the currencies resource within the foreign exchange market.
Buying or promoting foreign currency in order to profit from rapid changes trait within the rate of exchange is known as an arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Trading.
Demand of Foreign Exchange Trading
The chief demand for Exchange Trading within a country comes from importers of foreign goods, purchasers of foreign securities, government agencies buying goods and services abroad, and travelers.
Foreign Exchange Trading is one of the nascent market opportunities when it comes to the individual investor. Until recently only large traders and multi conglomerate companies were able to participate within the foreign exchange markets.
Now with the internet and many courses both online as well as on DVD, Videos and hard cover books there are a wonderful many resources available to the individual investor to help them become currency traders and earn incomes element within the six figure range.
There are numerous books available relating to Foreign Trading that will help the novice investor get started, explaining some of the basic strategies, even explaining all of the jargon that is new daily by currency traders all over the globe.
Other books to understand the Foreign Exchange Trading may assist the more intuitive and seasoned investor who is expecting to receive a more technical analysis of various currency trading strategies and markets.
There are a number of excellent courses available by the many supporting comments that these courses have received from many of their participants. They come from just about every repeated level of investor including the beginners as well as the more experienced investors.
Many of these courses for Foreign Trading include a variety of books; pamphlets and some will even include videos of various investment specialists providing you with their hands on training experience on Foreign Exchange Trading.
The e-books that are available to understand the Foreign Exchange more efficiently can typically be downloaded over the Internet, so you can most insolently begin almost as soon as you have paid your fees and downloaded the apropos files.
So no need of waiting for snail mail deliveries and you can begin immediately Foreign Exchange Trading soon. Some of the e-books and courses related to Foreign Trading will also include discounts and additional benefits when you sign up for an e-book or a course.
This combination can be of brilliant value when compared to some of the more long-established methods of learning the business of Foreign Exchange Trading.
Foreign Exchange rates refer to the amount of currency you obtain when you buy one currency with another currency. That is, it is most important to understand if you are traveling to England. In general, Foreign Exchange Trading if you or someone that understands and has expert knowledge live in approval of the United States, you then carry dollars.
You then ought to change these dollars for British Pounds and review the foreign currency rates to see how many US dollars it could take to buy one British Pound. Similarly, it would apply to every single country you might visit. Importers and exporters of goods are also concerned about the foreign currency rates.
The traders in Foreign Trading need foreign currency to make their business transactions. A buyer in England of United States goods watches the foreign currency rates to try and obtain a better price for the United States dollars they need to buy the United States goods.
During the Foreign Exchange Trading most foreign currency rates change all the time. The rates that do change on a daily or even hourly basis are called as the floating currencies. This means that market forces determine the price.
If more dollars are being bought and more British Pounds are being sold, the United States dollar then increases in value.
Thus, Foreign Exchange Trading should always be done keeping an alert eye on the Foreign Exchange Market.
A Synopsis of what it takes to trade the forex market with success
Lets start from the basics. The first thing someone needs is very good education. And this requires a lot of thorough research as there are many sources but not all are worth the money for their services. So in this sense an online forex course could be a good idea along with some books. But here comes the first major problem. Which course and which books, which aspects to cover? The technical analysis issue? The maxim goes with the trend? The candlesticks analysis? And which system to use and follow? There are thousands of them! So before we even begin a trader is confused. And confusion is a very bad enemy but it can be arranged. How it can be arranged? With some simple steps. Such as simplicity. The more you know the better chances you have to succeed trading forex and it all comes down to probabilities.
Education is a must to all trading aspects from stocks to futures to forex. But forex has two unique features. High liquidity and extremely high leverage. And although the liquidity is a very good feature high leverage is not. At least not until you know what you are doing. Here we focus again on education. Besides a participation in a forex course either online or not, an amount that will be put away as an investment for education is the first thing a trader must do. Some ideas are to focus on analyzing the current conditions of the market and to have a bias for a specific currency pair. A system such as following the trend could be the core of a trading strategy. And a demo account with many virtual trades as many as possible for a long period of time is the next step.
Now the most important part of the trading action is to make a plan, stick to it and apply very strict money management rules because if the capital is finished and it very easy this to happen then our trading career will finish within a few days, months or even hours.
Lets face the truth that trading is not easy. It is unfortunately far easier for someone to lose all his account rather than make wild profits beyond each expectation. That is because emotions and psychology are very crucial for success. Some of the most important emotions are fear, uncertainty, euphoria and revenge. Revenge comes into play very often as when someone loses an amount wants desperately to get it back and often the outcome is that more loses come simply because the trader is on the wrong side of the trend!
Discipline and patience are virtues that distinguish a good trader from a mediocre trader. Without specific goals and a written procedure a trader is like a cargo ship that has sailed without any destination. Someday the fuel will be exhausted and many dangers from the weather to the potential physical damages may happen. Risks exist all the time. The point is how to deal with them.
One of the most useful phrases is taken from the movie Forrest Gump.Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you going to get!
It is true. Be as prepared as possible. Do not let the brokers excite you promising very high returns and extremely high leverage? Do some very thorough research before opening an account funded with real money. Compare the bid-ask spreads and technical support to name only a few aspects.
Be very skeptical to previous results as offered from many signal services. The major aim should be to learn to trade and make your own decisions and not blindly follow some others decisions and opinions. Confidence and experience come with the passage of time.
So we mentioned simplicity before. Being realistic and having a controlled life balance is very important. One major goal should be consistency so as to have the ability to make profits each month and keep them.
Fundamental news is another important issue and in essence the technical analysis is the mirror of fundamentals. Expectations change rapidly and emotions also. And if you think about it emotions and expectations mainly move the forex market. Most times like the recent Fed rate hike decision a move is under way but the danger is when it will be finished and certainly not getting in at the wrong time after all the move is completed.
The best approach for a trader would be to set specific goals and if achieved then stop trading. The worst idea is to trade in a choppy market where random noise will make it difficult to get specific profits.
So a tested system with very precise rules such as entering exiting and having stop-loss orders may not be a holly grail but is surely one very good approach to start with and focus on it. Pivot points are such a system. At least it is a good start. They encompass education, discipline, strict criteria, and targets and are a proven system that major players use. They are not foolproof always as nothing is certain but they deal with high probabilities and this is very important.
Also a very practical way is to act as organizes as possible. Meaning that:
1.Develop your own trading journal where you will be writing down your trades and a brief explanation of what made you place a particular trade so as to evaluate performance. Note each day the major economic releases if any because it is often wise to be out of the market before the release of the news and trade only after having a much clearer opinion of what price action may be. Remember it is all about high probabilities.
2.A risk/reward ratio of 1:2 meaning that you risk an amount to get at least the twice if all go well is suggested but sometimes it is best to be conservative and even apply an 1:1 ratio by applying very strict risk management risking no more than 2-3% of total capital per trade. Survival is everything.
3.It would be a good idea from time to time to have breaks from trading. Opportunities exist always so stopping trading when losses of 10-20% maximum of trading capital have accumulated is a good way to revaluate what is going on before a large amount of capital is lost. Trading is not gambling it is a way of investment. The philosophy should be to define realistic goals such as a number of pips per day and if achieved then stop trading. Greed is another bad enemy of traders. On the contrary the notion of compounding profits and retiring a portion of them each month is a good way to build a solid account and keep monitoring its growth.
So in this first article we touched briefly many ideas from education to psychology to a proven trading system etc. Each idea will have more in depth analysis in the very near future. Your comments and suggestions will help us a lot to focus on what you need or want to analyze. Above all interactive communication brings the best results.
Education is a must to all trading aspects from stocks to futures to forex. But forex has two unique features. High liquidity and extremely high leverage. And although the liquidity is a very good feature high leverage is not. At least not until you know what you are doing. Here we focus again on education. Besides a participation in a forex course either online or not, an amount that will be put away as an investment for education is the first thing a trader must do. Some ideas are to focus on analyzing the current conditions of the market and to have a bias for a specific currency pair. A system such as following the trend could be the core of a trading strategy. And a demo account with many virtual trades as many as possible for a long period of time is the next step.
Now the most important part of the trading action is to make a plan, stick to it and apply very strict money management rules because if the capital is finished and it very easy this to happen then our trading career will finish within a few days, months or even hours.
Lets face the truth that trading is not easy. It is unfortunately far easier for someone to lose all his account rather than make wild profits beyond each expectation. That is because emotions and psychology are very crucial for success. Some of the most important emotions are fear, uncertainty, euphoria and revenge. Revenge comes into play very often as when someone loses an amount wants desperately to get it back and often the outcome is that more loses come simply because the trader is on the wrong side of the trend!
Discipline and patience are virtues that distinguish a good trader from a mediocre trader. Without specific goals and a written procedure a trader is like a cargo ship that has sailed without any destination. Someday the fuel will be exhausted and many dangers from the weather to the potential physical damages may happen. Risks exist all the time. The point is how to deal with them.
One of the most useful phrases is taken from the movie Forrest Gump.Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you going to get!
It is true. Be as prepared as possible. Do not let the brokers excite you promising very high returns and extremely high leverage? Do some very thorough research before opening an account funded with real money. Compare the bid-ask spreads and technical support to name only a few aspects.
Be very skeptical to previous results as offered from many signal services. The major aim should be to learn to trade and make your own decisions and not blindly follow some others decisions and opinions. Confidence and experience come with the passage of time.
So we mentioned simplicity before. Being realistic and having a controlled life balance is very important. One major goal should be consistency so as to have the ability to make profits each month and keep them.
Fundamental news is another important issue and in essence the technical analysis is the mirror of fundamentals. Expectations change rapidly and emotions also. And if you think about it emotions and expectations mainly move the forex market. Most times like the recent Fed rate hike decision a move is under way but the danger is when it will be finished and certainly not getting in at the wrong time after all the move is completed.
The best approach for a trader would be to set specific goals and if achieved then stop trading. The worst idea is to trade in a choppy market where random noise will make it difficult to get specific profits.
So a tested system with very precise rules such as entering exiting and having stop-loss orders may not be a holly grail but is surely one very good approach to start with and focus on it. Pivot points are such a system. At least it is a good start. They encompass education, discipline, strict criteria, and targets and are a proven system that major players use. They are not foolproof always as nothing is certain but they deal with high probabilities and this is very important.
Also a very practical way is to act as organizes as possible. Meaning that:
1.Develop your own trading journal where you will be writing down your trades and a brief explanation of what made you place a particular trade so as to evaluate performance. Note each day the major economic releases if any because it is often wise to be out of the market before the release of the news and trade only after having a much clearer opinion of what price action may be. Remember it is all about high probabilities.
2.A risk/reward ratio of 1:2 meaning that you risk an amount to get at least the twice if all go well is suggested but sometimes it is best to be conservative and even apply an 1:1 ratio by applying very strict risk management risking no more than 2-3% of total capital per trade. Survival is everything.
3.It would be a good idea from time to time to have breaks from trading. Opportunities exist always so stopping trading when losses of 10-20% maximum of trading capital have accumulated is a good way to revaluate what is going on before a large amount of capital is lost. Trading is not gambling it is a way of investment. The philosophy should be to define realistic goals such as a number of pips per day and if achieved then stop trading. Greed is another bad enemy of traders. On the contrary the notion of compounding profits and retiring a portion of them each month is a good way to build a solid account and keep monitoring its growth.
So in this first article we touched briefly many ideas from education to psychology to a proven trading system etc. Each idea will have more in depth analysis in the very near future. Your comments and suggestions will help us a lot to focus on what you need or want to analyze. Above all interactive communication brings the best results.
Foreign Exchange Rates
In finance, the exchange rate (also known as the foreign-exchange rate, forex rate or FX rate) between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other. For example an exchange rate of 123 Japanese yen (JPY, ¥) to the United States dollar (USD, $) means that JPY 123 is worth the same as USD 1. The foreign exchange market is one of the largest markets in the world. By some estimates, about 2 trillion USD worth of currency changes hands every day.The spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate. The forward exchange rate refers to an exchange rate that is quoted and traded today but for delivery and payment on a specific future date.
OANDA Foreign Exchange Rates (Foreign Exchange Converter - FXConverter)
FXConverter is a multilingual currency converter for over 164 currencies and 3 metals. It uses daily OANDA Rates®, the touchstone foreign exchange rates used by corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, and financial institutions. These filtered rates are based on information supplied by leading market data contributors.
OANDA Foreign Exchange Rates (Foreign Exchange Converter - FXConverter)
FXConverter is a multilingual currency converter for over 164 currencies and 3 metals. It uses daily OANDA Rates®, the touchstone foreign exchange rates used by corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, and financial institutions. These filtered rates are based on information supplied by leading market data contributors.
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